1. Denise Holsinger & Vanessa Crawley
Avsnitt 1 - Denise Holsinger & Vanessa Crawley, Säsong 2
From remorseless child killers to those who murdered their abusers after years of suffering, meet the real women who are spending their lives locked up.
2. Avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2, Säsong 2
Dolly Mae Clapp erkände sig skyldig till första gradens dråp i tortyren och mordet på Mechelle Hicks och Shaniqua Brown anklagas för andra gradens mord.
3. Jackie Alexander & Heather Frango
Avsnitt 3 - Jackie Alexander & Heather Frango, Säsong 2
Looking behind the bars of some of America's most notorious female prisons to discover what life is like for the women who are incarcerated there. From remorseless child killers to those who murdered their abusers after years of suffering, meet the real women who are spending their lives locked up.
4. Avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4, Säsong 2
Deborah Rolle döms till livstids fängelse för mordet på sin frånskilda make och Gena Shaughnessy döms för mord av första graden.
5. Avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5, Säsong 2
Alicia Williamson anklagas för mordet på sin rumskamrat sedan nio dagar tillbaka och Patricia Donnelly erkänner sig skyldig till mord av första graden och döms till 30 års fängelse.
6. Donna Buchanan & Marion Faye Cason
Avsnitt 6 - Donna Buchanan & Marion Faye Cason, Säsong 2
From remorseless child killers to those who murdered their abusers after years of suffering, meet the real women who are spending their lives locked up.
7. Jessica Gentry & Shannon Buard
Avsnitt 7 - Jessica Gentry & Shannon Buard, Säsong 2
Looking behind the bars of some of America's most notorious female prisons to discover what life is like for the women who are incarcerated there. From remorseless child killers to those who murdered their abusers after years of suffering, meet the real women who are spending their lives locked up.
8. Avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8, Säsong 2
Karen Mullally anklagas för att ha anlagt en brand som dödade de två barnen till hennes påstådda lesbiska älskare och Linda Pillius erkänner sig skyldig till dråp av första graden.
9. Angela Turner and Sharon Mabry
Avsnitt 9 - Angela Turner and Sharon Mabry, Säsong 2
Gritty reality series about women that end up behind bars. After a short one day trial, Angela was charged with the brutal murder of her 18-year-old roommate, who she met in a mental health facility.
10. Diane Fleming and Shelby Carano
Avsnitt 10 - Diane Fleming and Shelby Carano, Säsong 2
Gritty reality series about killer women. Diane Fleming claimed she was innocent after her husband was found poisoned, while Shelby played dumb to try to avoid a prostitution charge.
11. Natasha Cornett and LaSonya Larry
Avsnitt 11 - Natasha Cornett and LaSonya Larry, Säsong 2
Compelling reality series about women that end up behind bars. Violent Natasha Cornett was sentenced to life in prison after shooting a Jehovah's Witness, his wife and their six-year-old daughter.
12. Lutrische Dancy and Anita Gonzales
Avsnitt 12 - Lutrische Dancy and Anita Gonzales, Säsong 2
Compelling series about murderous women. Lutrische was charged with murder after her victim's decomposing remains were discovered, while Anita was arrested after the body of an elderly man was found.
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