Upphovsland: USA
2.5 av 5 Kritikers samlade betyg • 8 recensioner
...gillar man stilen och är intresserad av att se en ganska humoristisk framställning av kändislivet i USA, så är det nog värt att man kikar närmare på Celebrity.
Celebrity is Woody back on top form - poignant, touching, profound. And, thank God, it's funny.
...it's sort of a revue format in which a lot of famous people appear onscreen, perform in the sketch Woody devises for them and disappear. Some of the moments are very funny.
...some of the sequences in this black-and-white, episodic ensemble piece are riotously funny...
And in every minute of DiCaprio's participation... he juices "Celebrity" with a power surge...
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