Upphovsland: USA
3.5 av 5 Kritikers samlade betyg • 7 recensioner
...en klassiker och en fascinerande inblick i en, för många, främmande kultur och tradition...
...one of the few screen musicals of the last 30 years which actually works...
The story line of Fiddler, as everyone on Earth must know by now, involves the wise and good old Jewish peasant Tevye, who lives on a farm with his wife and children, including three daughters of marriageable age.
The film's strengths lie in the careful detailing of life in pre-Bolshevik Jewish Russia, and the often rough-hewn, open-air quality the film achieves.
By preserving the exoticism and making sure the audience left the theater humming, Jewison made a grubby, European-flavored movie that Yanks could embrace.
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