1. Bronsons/Bergins
Avsnitt 1 - Bronsons/Bergins, Säsong 1
En såret militærveteran og ejeren af en isbil, præsenteres for en svær beslutning; behold kufferten med de 101.000 dollars, eller del pengene med en anden hårdtarbejdende familie, der står overfor hårde økonomiske problemer.
2. Scotts/Musolinos
Avsnitt 2 - Scotts/Musolinos, Säsong 1
Familien Scott beslutte om de vil beholde pengene selv, for dermed at have midlerne til at adoptere det barn, de så gerne vil have. Eller hjælpe familie Musolino, der rejser rundt i landet det meste af året, fordi John er fisker.
3. Wiley/Bailey-Stewart
Avsnitt 3 - Wiley/Bailey-Stewart, Säsong 1
The Wylie and Bailey-Stewart families, who both have a strong belief in charity and community service, are faced with a financial decision.
4. Matas/Melansons
Avsnitt 4 - Matas/Melansons, Säsong 1
The Matas from California and the Melansons from Massachusetts are each faced with a financial decision.
5. Owens/Aponte-Kassimatis
Avsnitt 5 - Owens/Aponte-Kassimatis, Säsong 1
The Owens, a family struggling with substantial student loans, and the Aponte-Kassimatis family, whose home was damaged in Hurricane Sandy, are faced with an important financial decision.
6. Moyas/Vendely-Salgados
Avsnitt 6 - Moyas/Vendely-Salgados, Säsong 1
Two families, the Moyas and the Vendely-Salgados, facing financial difficulties must make an important decision.
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